Covid-19 update: Ashland University health center


Over the past two academic years, health centers across the nation and world have had the pressure of dealing with Covid-19. The Ashland University health center has three members that have worked around the clock to ensure all faculty and staff are as safe as possible. Administrative assistant Tina Oswalt, nurse practitioner Sarah Taylor, and registered nurse Patty Owens talk about the changes that Covid-19 has had in their workplace and across campus in this interview. The three ladies emphasize the importance of safety and responsibility when it comes to Covid-19. If anyone is ill or feels sick they should not come to campus and should notify the health center. Most importantly, they should not go to mass testing if they show any symptoms of Covid-19. For more information or to report a case of Covid-19 you can call 419-289-5200 to talk with a nurse or make an appointment.