TV2 truck spontaneously combusts?

By Justine Ackerman

The TV2 truck, which has been used for basketball and football games, commencements and reporting on the Ashland County Fair, malfunctioned over the summer.

“What happened was [the truck] sat on an angle and it [was] there from roughly the end of [May] until we tried to move it a couple of weeks ago,” said Tim McCarty, professional instructor and TV2 advisor.

“We had to move it because the theater folks needed the loading dock and it’s [in the way] on the ramp…so when they tried to move it the brake lines let go and fluid went everywhere.”

The fluid was sparked and the truck began smoking. The maintenance employee driving the truck managed to stop it and place blocks under the tires so that it did not roll away.

“We haven’t had severe maintenance issues with that truck,” said Gretchen Dworznik, assistant professor of broadcast communication.

“It’s been very good to us. It was one of those things that just [had to happen eventually].”

It is unclear whether the truck will be resurrected or disposed of.

“We are considering where to go next with that,” Dworznik said.

“It is a very old truck and…it has given us a lot of life over the past several decades. We are looking at it as an opportunity…we are trying to see what’s the best way to go and what will benefit the students the most.”

“I guess the interesting issue is, like other technologies, because the truck is a tool it needs evolution as well,” McCarty said.

“The fair is a good example [of that]. We are still covering the fair, we are just covering it differently than we have in the past.”

“The collaborative reporting class is going to cover [it and] the radio station is going to [also]…We can do just as much coverage without the truck.”

McCary said he would love to repair the truck, but would much rather invest in the studio’s control room if provided proper funds.