Hilarious Homam

By Kate Brickner

Ashland University has its share of funny people, but a second year nursing major Homam Nasser has taken hilarity to a new level – one who seems to have been inspired by YouTube sensation Jenna Marbles and teenage phenomenon Rebecca Black alike. AU’s very own Nasser has gone viral with his funny skits and is quickly climbing YouTube’s ladder of success.

The Detroit native is in his first year at Ashland, fifth year doing comedy sketches, and fourth year making YouTube videos. His videos, including those such as “An Epic Imagination,” “Pillow Fight,” and “Hostile Playground,” have racked up hundreds of thousands of viewers.

Nasser’s account, called decimalbrothers, is pumping out these and others, and has been so successful he is now getting paid. An interview with Nasser proved he had some heartfelt words for his viewers and inspirations.

“Google asked me to become partners with them, meaning I get paid for each video,” Nasser said. “They add advertising in the beginning of my videos…[my] favorite thing is one [sic] I get stopped by one of my younger fans…”

In fact, his fans are the main reason he even has the videos, and the most rewarding thing to him is to be able to see that. He elaborated further, saying: “[My] favorite part of making my videos is reading the comments and knowing that I make people smile all over the world.”

When I asked him where he got his ideas from, he left nothing out.

“I get my ideas from everything, especially when I play music…and close my eyes,” Nasser said. Indeed his videos are random and vary from all kinds of topics and comedic devices. His style is reminiscent of the Lonely Island’s work, a dynamite blend of music and humor.

Nasser is not just interested in comedic videos, but film as a whole. He dabbled in the film club at Ashland and plans to work with video as long as he possibly can.

“Making films is my number one passion. I will never stop. I want to become a nurse so I can secure income for my family, if I ever have one. On my off time, you better believe all I’m going to do is…film.”