Brickner, Rossman win election

Zack Lemon

Student Senate election results were announced Tuesday during their meeting, and several other issues were addressed in the final meeting of the year for this current senate. 

The new President will be junior Kate Brickner, and the new Vice-President will be junior Brent Rossman. There are still several positions open for nomination, including Greek Life Officer, College of Education representative, senior class president and vice-president, junior class vice president, as well as secretary, public relations chair, parliamentarian and historian. Anyone interested in these positions should contact Brickner.

The election caused some confusion, as candidates ran as tickets, even though each office is decided independently. Brickner and Rossman campaigned as a ticket, so when voters got to the polls and found them on separate lines, it caused some minor issues. Current Internal Affairs officer Christopher Goffos recommended some type of regulation for next year’s Senate elections to avoid some of the election issues that occurred this year.

The meeting also discussed the final cut to Accent on Success. Faculty Senate voted to strike AOS as a University graduation requirement. The choice to maintain the class will be left up to the individual departments.

There was also some discussion of a future resolution to change registration times going forward, although few details were made public at the meeting. 

Much of the meeting was devoted to discussing the University’s vision and mission statement. Senators were concerned about revising the mission statement to an achievable, quantifiable goal for the University in its long-term future. 

There was also a large discussion of the placement of Judeo-Christian values into the University’s core values and mission. Senate is open to more opinions from the general student body on the future direction of the University.

Next week’s meeting will be a banquet for the current Senators, so there will be no open meeting to attend. Any issues that deserve attention can be brought up to any member of Student Senate.