AU fraternities host Super Bowl parties

Ingrid Schmidt

The Carolina Panthers and the Denver Broncos will be taking over television screens across America this Sunday during Super Bowl 50. Many AU students are planning to tune in during the event and root for their favorite team.

Two of AU’s fraternities, Tau Kappa Epsilon and Phi Kappa Psi, are celebrating the big event by hosting Super Bowl parties.

“It should be a fun time, and I hope everyone comes out,” said TKE’s president Mitchell Laing.

TKE is kicking off their first Super Bowl party at 6 p.m. The fraternity is going all out for the big game with three TV’s, a projector and two other flat screen TV’s. They are also providing food and refreshments during the event.

“We’re going to have lots of food,” said Laing. “We’re making this big, giant stadium of pop cans and chips and different foods like that.”

According to Laing, the Super Bowl party is a fun event for the fraternity, especially with it being their first year back in their house.

“In the past we’ve had troubles keeping the house,” said Laing. “So this is the first year back in the house and we decided to have [the party].”

Phi Kappa Psi’s Super Bowl party will also start at 6 p.m. According to the fraternity president Connor Dunwoodie, the brothers have been hosting Super Bowl parties for about 15 years.

“It’s just a fun thing for everyone to do together,” said Dunwoodie.

The event is a fun way for the fraternity to connect with each other and the AU community. They will have lots of pizza and drinks for visitors and are even giving out door prizes.