Anime Club offers fans a place to share their passion


Submitted by: Anime Club

From left to right is President John Stevenson, Vice President Megan Allan, Secretary Mady Wright, Treasurer Melissa Crisan, and Historian Kyara Riggins. Picture submitted by Megan Allan.

Emmalee Lamolinara

Any students who have a passion for anime, can join the Anime Club here at Ashland University. The club provides anime fans on campus a fun, upbeat environment to gather, discuss and share their favorite anime or manga.

“Anime is simply a word that refers to animated media primarily produced in the country Japan, similar to cartoons here in America,” Megan Allan said.

Though anime is a style of shows meant for people of all ages, some stories may feature compelling plots, serious subjects and teen or adult matter. 

Some examples of famous anime include, “Dragonball, and Natruto franchises, but there are many shows beyond them that explore more diverse storylines,” Allan said. 

The Anime Club is open to anyone who is interested in joining. Allan says, “Our goal is to make this a warm, inviting space that is open to anyone and everyone.” 

The club has weekly meetings that take place Thursdays at 8:30 P.M.  in the Student Center Auditorium, located on the second floor near the piano lounge. 

“At our weekly meetings we do a variety of anime related activities, including prize giveaways, occasional parties, discussions about anime and manga and of course, have fun.” Allen, said. 

Aside from weekly meetings, the Anime Club will occasionally hold parties and other celebrations For instance, every second Tuesday of the month, the club carpools to Lotus, a local chinese and sushi restaurant, for a team bonding opportunity.

“Though before Covid happened, we used to raise money for group trips to any nearby anime conventions, such as Ohayocon,” Allan said. 

One thing that the club does before every meeting begins is they play a variety of anime theme songs to welcome in their members. 

“Once everyone has arrived, they will sign in on our sheets for our attendance log, and fill out a raffle ticket with their funniest jokes for a chance to win a prize,” Allan said. 

During the meetings they go over announcements and then discuss the anime of the week.  

“Every month, there is a different theme we focus on. The month of March is going to be fantasy month,” Allen said. 

The Anime Club has some really exciting things happening each and every month. “ We hope to see you there at our next meeting,”Allan said.