Chris Parker to visit Ashland University

Noah Cloonan

The Cleveland Cavaliers winning the NBA Championship in 2016 was one of the greatest moments in Cleveland sports history and for many it is a moment that they will never forget.

Longtime freelance writer and Author, Chris Parker is one of these people and he immortalized the Cavs magical run in his book, King James Brings The Land a Crown.

Parker will be at Ashland University on Apr. 18 to hold a book signing for his recently released work.

“Part of the reason I am coming to Ashland is just realizing that a lot of the people that would want to hear my story and read the book are people who are college kids,” Parker said.  “People who both have the time to read and who really love sports.”

In the book, Parker takes readers back through one of the greatest runs in sports history as he relives how the Cavaliers broke the curse of the title drought in Cleveland.

Parker started his career as a music feature writer including doing pieces on Ray Davies, The Black Eyed Peas and David Bowie. After his time in music, Parker moved on to write longform Journalism for many different news outlets including the LA Weekly, San Antonio Current and most recently for the Cleveland Scene.

While at the Cleveland Scene, Parker has taken an interest in the Cavs. He grew up with an interest in Cleveland sports and that interest intensified when Lebron returned to the Cavs in 2014.

Parker started to cover the home and away games by writing game stories after the games. These were not the typical game stories as he often would write very in depth stories that ended up being 2500-3000 words in length.

After Cleveland lost in the 2015 NBA finals, Parker wanted to write a book on the feats that the Cavaliers had reached that season, but he could not get anyone to pick up the idea for a story about a team that got second place.

“I’ve alway wanted to write a book but I never knew what to write about until Lebron came back,” Parker said.

This of course changed when the Cavaliers came back the next season and defeated the Warriors and become NBA Champions.

He began to work on the lengthy account of the title that features everything from interesting back stories of each of the players and detailed accounts of many games throughout the season.

The book also includes game stories of each playoff game with play-by-play given alongside of the post game quotes that Parker has organized into the chronological order that they happened in during the game.

“This is the greatest sports accomplishment in Cleveland in 50 years so I wanted to capture everything that went into it,” Parker said. “This is the definitive tale of that seasons long search for that title.”

Parker will be selling and signing his books in the Ashland University Campus Bookstore on Apr. 18 from 1-3 p.m.