Club Write-In: AU Student Dietetics Association (SDA)

The Ashland University Student Dietetics Associations (SDA) is a student organization
that focuses on nutrition education.

Students do not need to be dietetics majors to be in the organization. Meetings are held once a month in the Recreation Center. Generally, meetings include updates and discussions on how the organization can become more involved on campus and in the community.

Members of SDA also get the opportunity to listen and interact with guest speakers who are Registered Dietitians or other nutrition-related professionals.

Outside of monthly meetings, some of the more popular events SDA takes part in are trunk-or-treat, National Nutrition Month in March and FitFest in April.

During National Nutrition Month, members pick a healthy recipe to make and serve in the convocation center. This gives students food service experience similar to what is seen in internship rotations or in future jobs.

Another event SDA hosts during National Nutrition Month is creating a smoothie in Tuffy’s; group members pass out samples to students and faculty. For FitFest, the SDA table has nutrition-related questions and calorie-guessing games for participants. In the past, if participants got questions wrong, they had to do push-ups or another type of physical activity.

For more information, please contact SDA advisor Professor Denise Reed ([email protected])