Oh Ashland, how I’ve missed thee

By Justine Ackerman

I want you as the reader to know before you read further, that this statement is true and not sarcastic at all. I did miss Ashland and was very ready to come back and begin another semester. However, from now on you as the reader should assume everything I say is sarcastic.

Oh, Ashland. How I missed you!

As I unpacked the first night back I already heard the comforting sounds of sirens in the distance and the hum outside my window of a safety services golf cart zooming past the cars parked outside of Kem. I felt safer and more watched over already.

Then came the first day back at Convo. I normally enjoy the fashion statements in Convo more so then the food (are you remembering everything I say is sarcastic?).

Oh, how I missed the sight of girls wearing leggings as pants. No, I’m not talking about the girls who wear leggings with dresses or long sweatshirts or long t-shirts. I’m talking about tight leggings, plastered to one’s body, leading up to an even tighter scope neck tee or white tank top.

I also missed the boys in their too-tight-tees, the ones that wear smalls, even though they are medium size, so that their muscles seem larger than they truly are.

Oh, the way those grey t-shirts stretch across their shoulders, so strained that it looks like if they pick up their fork the cloth will just disintegrate into millions of tiny shreds. “Oh, baby. Oh, baby,” to quote the late, great chick flick “10 Things I Hate About You.”

Just a few days later came my next most missed thing: Teachers cancelling class, while you are sitting in class.

You know as a student that it looks suspicious when you send a sorry-I’m-sick-can’t-make-it-to-class-going-to-the-doctor-cough-cough email to your teacher two minutes before class starts. But when you are sitting in class waiting for it to start and your Blackberry rings, showing the email from your professor canceling class – that…that is like, the coolest thing ever. Yay! No class!

Who cares that we had to wake up, shower and dress to come to a class that was canceled? Now we get to go back to our dorm and chill for forty-five minutes, trying to figure out what to do.

We could try to go back to sleep, but now we are either not tired, or we don’t want to mess up our hair by napping for a half hour. We could start laundry, but we only have forty-five minutes tops. That doesn’t give us enough time to both wash and dry – we would have to pick one or the other.

We could do some homework, but A: it’s ten in the morning, we weren’t counting on doing homework that early and B: we still don’t have time to do all of it. But thank God class has been cancelled a minute before it starts; the teacher has done us a great favor.

I think basically what I’m trying to say is, it’s good to be back.