Don’t worry, be happy!

By Nick Zavarella

You have probably heard the song, “I Love College” by Asher Roth or seen the movie, “Old School.” (You’re my boy, Blue!). Well, I’m here to happily say, I have lived that life. You might have also seen the movie, “Legally Blonde.” Well, I’m happy to say that I have lived that life as well. No, not the life of a female who attended Harvard law to get her boyfriend back. I’m referring to the studious lifestyle.

I sit here as a senior, about to graduate with two degrees, and have absolutely no idea what I am going to do besides pay my student loans for the rest of my life. The catch: I don’t care.

I came to Ashland as a business major because, like most freshmen, I didn’t know what I wanted. I soon found out that a cubicle was not for me and never looked back. I chose two majors that probably won’t make as much money as the business degree but will reflect my college career.

If Fred Finks knew about some of the things I have done at Ashland University, he would personally come and smack me down like the right hand of God. But isn’t that what college is for? To get those stupid ideas out of your system before the real world?

Here at AU, I have, at times, hit the books hard and earned the grade. I’ve expanded my mind and thought in ways I couldn’t if I would have skipped the college experience. Isn’t that what college is about?

When it comes time for you to shake Finks’ hand and take that very expensive piece of paper, will you be happy with your years at AU? I’m glad to say that if I had the opportunity to go back to freshman year, I wouldn’t change much. Sure, I would have changed small things like not leaving every weekend to party on different campuses freshman and sophomore year, but I wouldn’t touch the overall experience.

I will be the first one to admit that I really don’t know much about what goes on at AU. Last week, I had to ask someone for the number to Safety Services because let’s face it, normally, they are called on me. I still can’t figure out the Eagle’s Nest hours or understand the social constructs of Convo.

The point is that I had fun in college. I spent late nights chasing after ping pong balls, aggravating whoever was taking my Taco Bell order and not worrying about tomorrow. It really is just a test; it really is just a class. I’m not saying pay this ridiculous amount of money and do nothing but party. You’re here for a reason but I’ve seen people break down because of the stress they put themselves under. It’s not worth it. Life is far too short to spend four of possibly the best years of your life, cooped up in the library.

To quote my favorite song of all time, “don’t worry, be happy.” Thank you Bob Marley, for always reminding me of what’s important in life.