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The Collegian

The Student News Site of Ashland University

The Collegian

The Student News Site of Ashland University

The Collegian

The Collegian places in three ONA university award categories

By Marin Haba January 19, 2012

For the second time in three years, The Collegian is a finalist for multiple awards in the Ohio Newspaper Association's collegiate newspaper competition. The Collegian is a finalist in Best Headline, Best...

It’s a hard knock life in the CFA lair

By Missy Loar April 28, 2011

If someone were to be murdered in the Center for the Arts, no one would run to help the poor soul. Yes, CFA is one of the most densely populated buildings outside of class hours. No, we arts students aren't...

Battle over off-campus housing policy rages on

By Missy Loar April 28, 2011

With tuition rising and the economy still recovering from recent recessions, many students are considering off-campus housing options to save some cash and gain some freedom. Ashland University's Office...

‘I Am’…a graduating senior

By Missy Loar April 14, 2011

I Am graduating, whether I‘m ready or not. I Am not going to write a sappy goodbye column. I Am, however, going to reflect on the past four years in a way that I hope will be entertaining. I Am... the...

New and old shops alike line Main Street in downtown Mansfield, pictured at night.

Carrousel gives Mansfield’s downtown district another ride

 Many American big cities have seen the demise of the downtown district due to damage done by economic recessions, but the Richland Park Carrousel has breathed new life into downtown Mansfield.    As...

COBE, Schar partner with Mansfield City Schools

By Missy Loar March 31, 2011

Education has become a hot topic in Ohio due to budgeting issues, concerns for schools with low academic performance and, most recently, the passing of Senate Bill 5, which affects public employees'...

Broken memories

By Missy Loar March 24, 2011

Every piece of technology on the Ashland University campus is a member of a secret cult. They conspire during their free time to plan exactly when and how to malfunction in such a manner that no one can...

‘Sophomore Swagger’ seeks to help freshmen survive sophomore year

By Missy Loar March 24, 2011

Freshmen can attend "Sophomore Swagger" this weekend to for dinner, games, prizes and information about the next three years of their lives. Kathy Stone, director of student success and retention, worked...

The floor these chairs stand on in the Studio Theater will soon be replaced, thanks to surplus money in this year’s budget. A new lighting board and lighting instruments will also be purchased for use in the Studio Theater and Hugo Young Theater.

Surplus leads to million-dollar upgrade

By Missy Loar March 3, 2011

Half a million dollars' worth of new technology and other resources will soon spruce up numerous departments around campus due to a surplus in the budget this year. Another $500,000 will also be added...

Vice president of marketing, enrollment management resigns

By Missy Loar March 3, 2011

Colleen Murphy will leave Ashland University for North Carolina later this spring after serving as the vice president of marketing and enrollment management for two and a half years at AU. Murphy will...

Student assaulted outside library

By Missy Loar February 24, 2011

Three white college-aged males reportedly assaulted a student and harassed a staff member late at night Feb. 17. The Ashland City Police were called to conduct a search of campus but they did not find...

A Hyundai (right) was pushed into a Porsche (left) when an AU student pulled into the Patterson Parking Lot and hit the Hyundai early Saturday morning. Both vehicles pictured above sustained minor damage.

Student arrested for OMVI

By Missy Loar February 10, 2011

An Ashland University junior crashed into two parked cars in the Patterson lot while allegedly driving drunk early Saturday morning. According to Ashland City Police, Joseph Paulucci III, 21, 8380 Marcy...

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