Easier ways to get in your cardio

By Melanie Sudar

Okay readers. Just as I promised, here is another healthy tip to help you stay fit.

I used to hate running. Then running and I became acquaintances; eventually we became friends. But then, I developed this awful thing called shin splints, and now running and I have a love-hate relationship. There are some days where I try to power through the awful feeling in my legs, but most days, I use these tips to get in my cardio without completely killing myself by running.

I like to use the walk-jog-run method. Here’s how it works: start out at a simple walking pace. Walk for two minutes. Then, increase your pace to jogging – not running. Stay here for two minutes. Run for the last minute and then start the process over. This is an easy way to build up your running stamina without overdoing it. If you want more of a challenge, try jogging for only one minute and then running for two. I normally do this process two or three times. Since it’s usually the first thing I do at the gym, I walk for three or four minutes first, just to get a warm up.

Another way to get a cardio workout on the treadmill is to walk on an incline. Try increasing the incline until it gets difficult to walk, while also making sure your speed is more of a power walk. This can also substitute for running.

If you like running, try keeping these simple breathing methods in mind.

1. Breathe deeply. Breathing deeply expands your lungs and allows for more oxygen to get to your lungs. Doing this while running will not only prevent dizziness and nausea, but also allow you to run longer.

2. Match your breathing and your pace. Try inhaling and exhaling for the same amount of time. For example, if you inhale for three steps, exhale for the three steps. Fitsugar.com says that if it’s too difficult to do this, then you are running too fast. Keep rhythm while running and it will become easier.

3. Breathe through your nose. Doing this will help you breathe more deeply. It may be difficult at first, but as you continue to practice, it will get easier.

Getting cardio for a workout is very important, and surprisingly easy. If you don’t have time to work out, take the long way to class, and use the stairs instead of the elevator. The small things can still add up. Microwaving something? Why not do some jumping jacks or jog in place while waiting? Laundry day? Try doing a wall sit while folding your clothes.

Another simple tip is to try jumping up the steps to your room rather than walking them. Keep your feet together and try doing ten without stopping. If you’re reading a book or doing homework, why not incorporate leg lifts? Sit on the floor with your back against the wall. Bring one knee to your chest and leave the other parallel to the floor. Try doing ten lifts on each leg.

When brushing your teeth or doing your hair, do some toe raises. Simply stand on the balls of your feet and then lower yourself down again. Maybe try and do some side lunges as well.

The best part about all of these tips? I get them all off Pinterest. But for more information check out fitsugar.com and wordpress.com/lazy-girl-fitness.

Stay tuned for next week’s advice on what foods to eat before and after a workout.