Who cares? No one

By Glenn Battishill

Thank God for the unsubscribe button. Since I joined Facebook back in 2006 I’ve accumulated over 550 friends, perhaps 100 of whom I actively communicate with but what of the remaining 450? A mixture of classmates, old marching band members, members of my high school thespian club and people I met on a variety of trips. Overall Facebook is a wonderful tool for keeping in touch with friends and family, the price you pay however is the thousands of updates from that person from high school. You all know the one.

The one who constantly tells you how hard their life is and how happy they are that they are done with drama. They complain almost constantly and post at least four times a day. It becomes part of your Facebook routine, check on your family, see how messed up this person’s life is.

Part of you wants to un-friend them or at least unsubscribe from their updates, but you can’t pull yourself away from how amusing their life is, even if it’s falling apart.

This isn’t just limited to my friends. I don’t know a single person who doesn’t have at least one person whose updates both amuse and annoy.

We could just un-friend them but that would just result in that awkward moment when they re-friend you and you leave the request on hold indefinitely.

I should have been more selective with my Facebook friends or at the very least I should have kept better track of who I was adding.

To add insult to injury, the unemployed members of my graduating class, and some of the employed ones, seem to just sit on Facebook, spamming everyone’s feeds with their political views, religious views or worse yet, Farmville achievements. Admittedly, you can block people, their updates and their Farmville messages but if I’m blocking all of their content, I’m essentially unfriending them.

But can I judge? Can anyone really judge another person’s Facebook?

I’m sure other people have unfollowed my updates and I’m positive that people have unfriended me. Am I not interesting? I try to post either interesting things in general or things relating to video games, which a large percentage of my friends play. I feel like my Facebook posts have a certain amount of broad appeal to my friends. I wouldn’t post how hard my life is or how depressed I am, that’s what Tumblr is for.

Facebook exists to keep in touch with people. It’s just unfortunate because of the social constructed concept that you have to add to every person you’ve ever met on Facebook. I wish there was a place where you don’t feel pressured into adding every person you know.

Oh wait, that’s kind of what Google Plus does. The shame of it is, no one uses Google Plus.

For now I’ll just quietly unfriend those frenemies from high school because if I see one more picture of their ugly baby I might vomit.