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The Collegian

The Student News Site of Ashland University

The Collegian

The Student News Site of Ashland University

The Collegian

Bils Battishill Brawl:Final Showdown

Chris: For the second time in three issues, we have misled you by previewing a sport that we actually had no intention of playing. I know, I know, you probably think we were too stupid to realize that...

The Final Goodbye

Tyler: So a senior column is like a rite of passage in the college newspaper world, right Glenn? Like, we’re supposed to write about all that sappy jazz, what we’re going to miss most, what we would...

Bioshock Infinite surpasses original

By Glenn Battishill April 3, 2013

“Bring us the girl and wipe away the debt” is the simple message that launches players into the world of “Bioshock Infinite,” the new game by critically acclaimed studio, Irrational Games. The...

Silence isn’t always golden

By Glenn Battishill April 3, 2013

Link, Gordon Freeman and Samus Aran are often lauded as three of the greatest video game characters of all time but what do the Hero of Time, a theoretical physicist and a space bounty hunter have in common?...

Bils Battishill Brawl: Dance Central 2

Glenn: Two years ago my brother and I thoroughly embarrassed ourselves by playing “Dance Central” for the Xbox 360 Kinect at a social gathering. Unlike other dance games like “Dance Dance Revolution”...

Bils Battishill Bucheit Brawl- Women’s Lacrosse

Glenn: This week’s Brawl, fencing, is possibly the most strategic sport. It is a sport of cunning, wits and speed. It’s all about mixing your attacks with your parrys and following those parrys with...

Bils Battishill Brawl: Playstation All-Stars: Battle Royale

Glenn: Firstly, Sony’s “Playstation All-Stars: Battle Royale” is a shameless and blatant rip-off of Nintendo’s “Super Smash Brothers Brawl,” a game which I enjoy very much and am quite good...

Kates construction forces change in backup location

By Glenn Battishill March 7, 2013

It was announced earlier this year that Kates Gymnasium would be getting a much needed renovation. Kates will be getting new bleachers, lights and a new floor as well as many other essential updates. However,...

Are you there God? It’s me, video games

By Glenn Battishill March 7, 2013

Video games are excessively violent; many modern games contain murder, violence, and some contain instances or scenes involving rape. For these reasons they are labeled as “for mature audience” and...

Bils Battishill Brawl: Bowling

By Glenn Battishill and Chris Bils February 21, 2013

Chris: This was a very important week for the Brawl. We’re talking Super Bowl/NBA Finals/World Cup-level importance. I had just beaten Glenn in “Forza Motorsport 4”--the first real upset of the brawl--and...

Alpha Phi Bail Out raises more money than expected

By Glenn Battishill February 21, 2013

Last week, students passing through the Student Center might have noticed people in cages asking for money. While it is always amusing to see your classmates or Tuffy in jail, the event was actually put...

A week at Ashland University

Collegian Staff February 21, 2013

During the week of Nov. 12, five Collegian reporters set out to cover the campus way. Chronicling snapshots of college events, these vignettes represent Ashland University in five days—detailing academic...

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