Ashland increases social media presence

By Glenn Battishill

Ashland University has its fair share of social media presence. On Facebook there is Ashland University, Ashland University Memes and groups for pretty much every organization on campus. On Twitter there’s the official @Ashland_Univ, @goashlandeagles and the unofficial @AshlandUniv, @AshlandUniProbs in addition to specialized department and organization pages. There is also an Ashland presence on Youtube, Flickr, Instagram and Pinterest. Finally, the general Ashland accounts have one person to oversee them.

Victoria Frank is the first ever Social Media/Marketing Coordinator for Ashland University. And she couldn’t be more excited.

“I am absolutely obsessed with social media,” Frank said, admitting that she and her smart phone are inseparable. Frank previously managed social media for a media group in Millersburg, Ohio, which included multiple newspapers and magazines.

“I was looking to do social media full time,” Frank said. “Doing social media part time for all of those companies was killing me. I’m really excited to spend time with Ashland’s social media and develop it into something that students think is cool.”

Frank believes that social media isn’t just a fun hobby but is a new marketing outlet.

“People think I just sit on Facebook but there is a lot of strategy to it. You have to figure who your audience is,” Frank said. “It’s a new form of marketing that is emerging. In the collegiate atmosphere it is the best way to reach out to people. We need to be cool on Facebook.”

Frank was a communication major, and a public relations minor at Saint Mary’s University, Notre Dame’s sister school. St. Mary’s is smaller than Ashland University but has a similar feel, says Frank.

“The transition has been seemless,” Frank said. “I feel just like a student again. I want to know what students want to see in a social media presence.”

Frank has big plans for Ashland’s online presence. She has begun pushing the video aspect of Ashland University and is planning contests for the Ashland University social media presence.

“There wasn’t a strong social media presence when I got here and I’d really like to grow that and get students interested,” Frank said. “It’s a great way to promote events, different programs or departments and just get as much information out there about Ashland as possible.”

Frank encouraged students to comment on the page and get involved with the various accounts of the university.