Dorm essentials to brighten up your room in the new year

Cass Tolliver

The spring semester can sometimes start off gloomy with the cold weather and the after-Christmas sorrow. However, this semester can also be a time for new beginnings, resolutions being put into action and spring cleaning in your dorm room.

Although dorms are small spaces that are typically shared, it is not hard to make them cute and lively. Once you utilize your room to give you the maximum amount of storage space and walking area, adding decorations and furnishings will help to make it more welcoming to you and your friends.

Your dorm room should be a place where you actually want to spend time and a place where you can relax after classes.

Cass Tolliver

Here are just a few things that can help your doom room become the perfect space for you:

Decorative pillows. These pillows are perfect to add to dorm beds to make them look cuter and comfier. I personally like to buy decorative pillows that can also serve a purpose, and not ones that are only for looks. You could put pillows along the wallside of your bed to give it a futon or couch look, or add pillows to the end of your bed to make it look longer.
Indoor plants. Having something green and alive in your dorm will bring life to it. Indoor plants have been proven to boost your mood, productivity, concentration and creativity. They also reduce stress levels, fatigue, sore throats and colds. Along with helping human immune systems, plants clean indoor air by absorbing toxins, increasing humidity and producing oxygen. They also help add life to sterile and bland environments, give a sense of privacy and reduce noise levels. As long as you water it appropriately, your plant will change your dorm room for the better.

Cass Tolliver

Lights. From string lights, Christmas lights, LED lights to lamps, any light fixture will brighten up your dorm room. I especially love to turn these lights on in my room at night as opposed to having the overhead ceiling light on. They are cute, but also provide a necessary function.
Essential oil diffuser. There are numerous benefits to having an essential oil diffuser in your room. It can relieve stress, improve sleep, kill off bacteria and mold, help with appetite control and decongestion, as well as pain relief. Along with those benefits, oil diffusers have safe scents. Unlike air fresheners, essential oil diffusers release types of cleansing molecules into the air that purify it, without releasing heavy or unhealthy chemicals. Since we cannot have candles in the dorms, oil diffusers are the best, if not an even better, alternative. They are not fire risks, and they are simple and easy to use.
Last but not least, small area rugs. Rugs have the ability to make spaces look larger than they actually are. Adding a rug by the door can make your dorm feel more homey and welcoming, whereas adding one by your bed can make it feel more cozy.

Cass Tolliver

Photos of people and things you love. Having photos of your best, closest friends and family will give your dorm a more personal feel. If you go to school far from where you live, this could provide a sense of home and familiarity for you. I order photos to hang in my dorm from Super Snaps; they are affordable and super cute! You can order them in different sizes and shapes, too.

Decorations and other dorm necessities will make your dorm living experience more enjoyable, and when the semester is over, you can take them home to make your bedroom at home look just as nice, too!