Political groups on campus talk future events

Jordann Lopata

College Republicans

The College Republicans welcome newly appointed president, Jacob Brown. Brown is a current junior with a triple major in political science, economics and political economy.

“It was definitely more than I was expecting, but I have an amazing executive board to support me which has made for a much more favorable transition,” said Brown.

The club’s main focus is allowing students who are interested in the Republican Party to explore it more with other students who have the same beliefs as them.

The Executive Board has numerous events planned this semester, including events with other political clubs, like the Symposium Against Indifference, tri-club debate and a voter registration drive. CR will also be preparing for their yearly trip to Washington D.C. for the Conservative Political Action Conference (CPAC) in February.

For anyone who is interested in joining, you can e-mail Brown at [email protected]— or you could also attend one of the biweekly meetings, which occur Mondays at 9:30 p.m. on the eighth floor of the library.


College Democrats

The College Democrats welcome newly appointed president, Scout Weber. Weber is majoring in political science and history.

“I am very excited to become more involved in the Democratic Party, and I believe that being involved in politics is very important.” Weber also adds, “being able to work with other students in Ashland as well as across the country is a wonderful opportunity that I am thrilled to be apart of.”

The goal of the College Democrats is to allow students to become more educated in politics, and government, as well as exploring the democratic party. This semester the club is looking forward to setting up the voter registration here on campus to prepare for the next election year.

For anyone who is interested in joining they can attend the biweekly meetings on Tuesdays at 7 p.m. on the eighth floor of the library. You can also contact Weber at [email protected].


Young Americans For Liberty

Young Americans for Liberty is club on campus which allows students who do not affiliate with either the Republican or Democratic Party to explore other beliefs and mainly focus on the libertarian party.

They look forward to many different events happening on campus this semester, including the The Speech ball, which allows students to use their freedom of speech to write whatever they want on a beach ball. YAL also is looking forward to the tri-club debate which occurs between all three political clubs.

President of YAL, Jacob Nestle says, “I want Young Americans for Liberty to form a vibrant community on campus that outlasts my own time here. We have great people and we always have a blast together.”

For anyone who is interested in Young Americans for Liberty, you can attend their biweekly meetings which occur Mondays at 9:30 p.m. on the eighth floor of the library.