Lecture on free speech to be held at AU


Attorney and founder of the Coalition for Student & Academic Rights (CO-STAR), C.L. Lindsay III, will be speaking on the topic of free speech on Wednesday, March 13th, at 7 p.m. in Redwood Hall.

After leaving his law practice in New York City in 1998, Lindsay founded CO-STAR. Since its founding, CO-STAR has grown into a national students’ rights organization geared towards helping thousands of college students with legal problems at no expense.

C.L. is a nationally recognized expert and leader in the field of student rights and academic freedom. He is the author of The College Student’s Guide to the Law: Get a Grade Changed, Keep Your Stuff Private, Throw a Police-Free Party, and More!published in August 2005 by Taylor Trade Publishing.

Additionally, Lindsay’s book has become the leading authority on student law used by universities nationwide. His book discusses the legal problems at colleges and how young adults can defend and protect themselves legally.

He has appeared on national television, radio and has been featured in countless regional and national publications, including US News & World Reports, The Chronicle of Higher Education, The Review of Higher Education, and The Chicago Tribune.

Lindsay graduated magna cum laude from Denison University. He now acts as Executive Director of CO-STAR and teaches courses in law and literature part-time at the University of Pennsylvania.

This lecture for Ashland University staff and students is free and open to the public.