The way we once were


Isabella Pacinelli

Life is pretty funny sometimes. When something bad happens, it feels like the end of the world. As young adults, us college students definitely fall victim to taking things out of proportion. In those hard times, have you ever thought about the big picture? So yes, I am in an argument with my mom, I have not reached my goal weight, and I am stressed out about the amount of homework I have. There was a time when none of that mattered. Think of your younger self – a careless, happy, light-hearted individual who had the power to bring joy to anyone that surrounded you; life was not always this serious.

We were held and cuddled by family members because we were fragile beings who were so incredibly easy to love. The way people looked at us could move mountains. Well, why can this not reign true today?

If we truly were so lovable, I am sure we would treat ourselves and others much better.

We lived in an imaginative world where a fake phone was better than a real one.

Our training wheeled bikes may have been slow, but we swore they could take us to the edge of the earth. Nothing was limited because we created the world we lived in. There is a lot we feel like we cannot do now.

Curiosity ran through our veins. We were interested in things for the sole purpose of learning and understanding more. Nowadays, it seems as if we are furthering our education because we feel we need to, not because we want to. Apparently, something got disordered as we grew older.

We did not compare ourselves to others. The unrecognized beauty we held was never in competition with the rest of the world. We whistled to our own tune and presented ourselves the way we were – real. We smiled in pictures without the thought of how many likes it would get on Instagram.

It did not matter what we looked like because we did not know it had to look a certain way. But wait…it does not.

We found joy in the simplest of things, like pulling all the tupperware out of the cupboards and deciding to sit in there for a few minutes. Or hiding in a laundry basket because we were small enough to do so. We made the best out of every situation because there was no reason not to. Today, we are attracted to a complicated, complex way of life.

There was no fear of the unknown. We took things as they came and lived freely in a world with limitless opportunities. We talked to new people because we were brave and looking for excitement. Think about how many times a day we avoid doing something out of fear or anxiety. It is fascinating to think that there was a time when we were instinctively fearless.

We did what made us happy and stopped doing the things that made us unhappy. It was as simple as A-B-C (literally). There was no need to please anybody else because our main priority was to be happy. Oh, how that has changed! Unfortunately, it feels like we forget to create a life that make us truly joyful.

Material things did not really have any value. We were content with what we had, no matter how much or how little. There was no concern about getting the newest iPhone or getting the most expensive clothes. More important things captured our attention. When you really think about it, why do more important things not capture our attention now?

There was a time when we did not think about, obsess over or worry about what food we ate. We nourished our body with what people gave to us and it did not matter if it was fruit or chocolate. As a young woman, I definitely struggle with over-analyzing my diet choices. However, we should remember to love our bodies for all they do for us.

One of the most unbelievable habits of our past was asking for help. It was obvious that not everything could be done on our own – and this was okay. For some reason, it is not so “okay” anymore. We feel like we need to have all the answers, all the time.

Although change is inevitable, I think it is safe to say that we have lost the innocence we possessed as children. Society has changed the way we see the world and we take to things much differently now.

It is important to look back on the qualities we once had and realize that living a simple life was all we knew. The things we take for granted now, were once appreciated. The most important things now, were not always the most important things then.

As we move forward in our lives, we must focus on the overall canvas and paint a life that is loving, happy and kind. Never forget that the child we once were, is still within us. Reminisce on the past, be grateful for the present and get excited for the future!