Film club seeks ‘reel’ experience

By Ethan Greenberger

By day, they focus on class. By night, they focus on “Adjusting Focus,” a Web series created by a handful of Ashland University students who wanted to try their hand at making a sit-com.

Sophomores Glenn Battishill, Dan Griffin, Jeff McNerney, Kristina Hoskins and senior Brad Eustathios started the club that would become “Adjusting Focus” early last semester.

“Film club started out as a sketch comedy group in spring of 2010 and there were two sections then: the writers and the sketch comedy group itself,” Battishill said.

“The writers club started writing a short web series and it really just grew from there.”

After spending the summer writing, the Film Club is ready to cast and shoot their first official project, a Web show based on a struggling college film club.

“The show is about us…and there is a new guy who has joined the film club named Nick,” Griffin said.

“Its deeper themes are fitting in, learning to work with difficult people and adjusting to college life.”

Although there is already a broadcast journalism program here at AU, the film club’s founders are hoping that this will spark a film program, as well.

“There are a lot of people involved on TV2 news. However, there are people in the program who want to do more creative work,” Griffin said.

“This is the start of something that will maybe become a part of the actual program.”

“We get to be the pioneers of something new,” Eustathios said.

The Web show, called “Adjusting Focus,” is currently getting ready for casting. Auditions for parts in the show will be held on the 7th, 8th and 9th of October.

Those interested in being on the crew should also come to the audition and express interest. No experience is necessary.

Once the show is cast, they are hoping to have a grand showing for the student body.

“It will be hosted online. However, with CAB’s support, we can have a premiere night,” Eustathios said.

Although the club is still in its early stages, its members feel good about how much they have done with their idea already.

“What we have so far accomplished is some pretty great things considering we are students and overall, we are happy that we have this opportunity,” Eustathios said.

“It goes to show that as students, with the right amount of work, all of us have the capability to produce whatever we want.”

As AU’s first ever film club begins casting and shooting, its founders believe this could be the beginning of something greater.