You’re not hott

By Justine Ackerman

Have you ever heard a boy say, “I don’t want to hang out with any girls tonight – I’m afraid one would try to kiss me”? Have you heard a girl say, “I don’t want to go dancing – a boy might see me and check me out”? No, you haven’t. Want to know why? Because most people aren’t arrogant enough to think that the whole world ‘digs’ them.

I heard a girl the other day talking about how some people thought one of her friends was a lesbian. She proceeded to say that she didn’t think her friend was a lesbian, because she has always felt comfortable around her. She said that if her friend was a lesbian, she would be worried that her friend was going to try to kiss her.

I instantly wanted to shake this girl by the shoulders, maybe slap her around a little. If this girl’s friend was a lesbian, I highly doubt that she would want to kiss her. Why must everyone assume that if someone is homosexual, that means that they are instantly attracted to every single person of their sex?

Guys in the locker room after gym classes in high school continually cracked jokes about how the gay guys were probably checking them out or wanted them. All the girls who thought the female volleyball coach was a lesbian would change in the stalls if the coach was in the locker room with them.

If you are a straight male, no one assumes that you are attracted to every single female that walks across your path. To prove that males are not attracted to all females, come find me and I will rattle off the number of rude things boys say about girls walking by in Convo.

If you are a straight female, no one thinks that you find every boy on campus sexy. As a female myself, I’m just going to go ahead and say, “Far from it.” And once again, if you want to know the horrible things girls say about boys walking by in Convo, come find me.

So, why then must people comment or worry when they find out someone they know or is in a group with them is gay or lesbian? If you have ever uttered such an ignorant comment, let me ask you something. Are you so vain that you think the whole human population wants you? Do you honestly believe that that homosexual over there is dying to jump out of his or her seat and run over and throw themselves at you? No! No, no, no. Stop it, stop it, stop it.

Whether you are straight, bisexual, gay, transvestite or have another preference, you have standards, just like everyone else does. You have your “hotts” and your “nots,” and that never changes. So just remember: That lesbian over there? She is not thinking about kissing you. And that gay guy over there? He doesn’t even know you exist. Why? Because you are not that hott.

Have you ever heard a boy say, “I don’t want to hang out with any girls tonight – I’m afraid one would try to kiss me”? Have you heard a girl say, “I don’t want to go dancing – a boy might see me and check me out”? No, you haven’t. Want to know why? Because most people aren’t arrogant enough to think that the whole human population wants them.

I heard a girl the other day talking about how some people thought one of her friends was a lesbian. She proceeded to say that she didn’t think her friend was a lesbian, because she has always felt comfortable around her. She said that if her friend was a lesbian, she would be worried that her friend was going to try to kiss her.

I instantly wanted to shake this girl by the shoulders, maybe slap her around a little. If this girl’s friend was a lesbian, I highly doubt that she would want to kiss her. Why must everyone assume that if someone is homosexual, that means that they are instantly attracted to every single person of their sex? Guys in the locker room after gym classes in high school continually cracked jokes about how the gay guys were probably checking them out or wanted them. All the girls who thought the female volleyball coach was a lesbian would change in the stalls if the coach was in the locker room with them.

If you are a straight male, no one assumes that you are attracted to every single female that walks across your path. To prove that males are not attracted to all females, come find me and I will rattle off the number of rude things boys say about girls walking by in Convo.

If you are a straight female, no one thinks that you find every boy on campus sexy. As a female myself, I’m just going to go ahead and say, “Far from it.” And once again, if you want to know the horrible things girls say about boys walking by in Convo, come find me.

So, why then, must people comment or worry when they find out someone they know or is in a group with them is gay or lesbian? If you have ever uttered such an ignorant comment, let me ask you something. Are you so vain that you think the whole human population wants you? Do you honestly believe that that homosexual over there is dying to jump out of his or her seat and run over and throw themselves at you? No! No, no, no. Stop it. Stop it. Stop it.

Whether you are straight, bisexual, gay, transvestite or have another preference, you have standards, just like everyone else does. You have your “hotts” and your “nots,” and that never changes. So just remember: That lesbian over there? She is not thinking about kissing you. And that gay guy over there? He doesn’t even know you exist. Why? Because you are not that hott.