“Facebook Idol” to perform on campus

By Amanda Eakin

If in need of a new music fix that’s devoid of sugary pop trends, CAB has provided another musician that will be performing at Ashland University Sept. 24.

Natalie Gelman, a unique indie singer/songwriter whose guitarist skills pack as much of a punch as her vocals and lyrics, will perform at 9:00 p.m. in the Eagles’ Landing.

Although her voice has been compared to popular artists such as Jewel, Gelman exudes a musical identity that is entirely its own. She possesses qualities that are faintly reminiscent of various singers and their styles of music, but not overly so.

Once an opera major, it’s no surprise that Gelman’s voice carries the power of Kelly Clarkson. Her range is impressive as she hits every note with ease.

Style-wise, Gelman can be compared to Alanis Morissette, whose music is heavy on acoustic guitar and leans towards mellower beats. But besides the small comparisons that can be made, Gelman truly has her own identity.

According to bulletin.arcadia.edu, Gelman reportedly stated the importance of having a sincere meaning behind her work.

“I think you have to have a message as an artist, otherwise there’s really no reason to do it,” Gelman said.

Apparently, many others agree. Gelman was a first-time winner of Facebook Idol, an online competition that allows Facebook users to vote for 50 contestants who compete against each other.

Her achievement landed her a record deal with Sweatshop Studios along with rapidly-increasing attention from the public, thanks in great part to her unique identity as a musician.

She currently has one self-titled debut album featuring nine unique tracks. One song, “Never Had You,” scored Gelman her winning spot on Facebook Idol. The others are equally as deserving of such attention, filled with passion and sincerity.

In her song, “Half Dead,” she cleverly injects similes and imagery into her words: “You crawl through her veins like drug intent on a kill/Put her out like a painter setting his watercolor masterpiece in the storm.”

According to her website, nataliegelman.com, New York Post rewarded her album with four out of four stars in a review, describing it as “Simply Terrific.”

Since the debut of her album, she has currently been working on her second one, all while showcasing her talents throughout the U.S. in subways and college campuses.

With her hometown in New York, the 24-year-old likes to think of herself as a “street performer,” preferring the harsh but honest responses from the public in downtown areas.

The same goes for college performances. According to rochester.metromix.com, Gelman enjoys sharing her music with this particular dynamic.

“College kids are always really open to something new in general,” Gelman said. “They’re also really fast to say, ‘Nope, I’m really not that into it’ and be totally honest with you.”

AU students will truly enjoy Gelman’s powerful, rich voice when she performs her songs.