Battle of the Bands: Jukebox the Ghost

By Brad Eustathios

How many bands do you know that your friends don’t? If you consider yourself someone who “tries anything out there” or “doesn’t listen to what everyone else listens to,” that number should be very large.

Music is, undeniably, one of the world’s greatest forms of art; it is one type of aesthetic that everyone loves and relates to and it also has many different genres, allowing for infinite possibilities. There is such a wide variety of expressions in music and it has the capability to share the same feelings with the audience.

As the music director for Ashland University’s radio station, 88.9 FM WRDL, I have had the opportunity in the past two years to find, listen and really enjoy many different artists and genres. From tween pop to drum and bass and to chiptunes, I can assure you, there will always be new music to find and listen to.

With this article, I hope to be the gateway for you to find new and exciting tastes in music. I feel the best way to do this is to write about a band and what makes them different, in hopes that you, the reader, would find some of their songs to give them a try.

The best band I could share for my first article is my favorite post-2000 band, Jukebox the Ghost. They are an east-coast, three-piece band who can be described as indie pop rock. Yes, I realize that “pop” and “rock,” when put together, can really turn off listeners. However, there is no other way to describe them – they are the epitome of what “pop rock” should sound like.

Songs like “Good Day,” “Schizophrenia,” and “Beady Eyes on the Horizon” really accentuate their rock-piano-pop feel, with subject matter that isn’t typical pop fare. The band, made up of Ben Thornewill on piano, Tommy Siegel on guitar and Jesse Kristin on drums, actually has two vocalists: Ben and Tommy. Both vocalists offer an entirely different feel to their own songs, both in sound and in lyrics.

The band’s true originality really shines in songs like “A Matter of Time” and “The Stars.” These songs are three and two tracks long, respectively. What makes these tracks captivating are the change in tempo, instrumentals and overall feel, while telling a phenomenal story about the end of the world.

I believe what makes Jukebox a great band to listen to are the lyrics to the songs – they manage to be easy to catch on to, while not falling into the trap of simplicity. Songs like “Lighting Myself on Fire” and “The Popular Thing” are testaments to this point. Even their “poppiest” songs like “Victoria” and “Half Crazy” feel satirically pop, again offering lyrics that are sing-a-long-able and entertaining.

Jukebox the Ghost released their second studio album, “Everything Under The Sun,” just last September.

If you are interested in hearing Jukebox the Ghost and other unique bands, listen to my radio show, “Turn Us On Tuesdays,” every Tuesday night from 8 p.m. to 12 a.m.

I know for a fact that not everyone that reads this will look up the bands I suggest. I know it can be hard to accept new things. However, I implore you: Do the art a favor and expand your music tastes. Don’t just listen to what is popular.