But I look forward to…

By Matt Brubaker

People have always given me crap for being a Buckeye fan.

People have always given me crap when the Buckeyes lose.

People have always given me crap for wearing my heart on my sleeve.

But I look forward to the day when the Buckeyes win a football and basketball national championship.

I look forward to the day when Jim Tressel goes down as one of the best football coaches Ohio State ever had.

I look forward to the day when I can be with my grandpa and reminisce about some of the best Ohio State games and some of their best players.

People have given me crap for being a sport communication major.

People have given me crap about the lack of money I’ll be making once I graduate. People have given me crap, saying I have an “easy” major.

But I look forward to the day when I can cover sports in the state of Ohio for the best and most loyal fans in the country.

I look forward to the day when I can cover championship teams like the Browns, Cavaliers, Buckeyes and Indians.

I guess there’s always hope, right?

I look forward to the day when I wake up for work and I don’t consider it work.

Some people have hurt me, some people have used me and some people have destroyed my friendships.

But I look forward to the day where the relationships I’ve built with great friends today turn into lifelong bonds in the future.

I look forward to the day where I can be a family man, husband, father and role model.

I look forward to the day where my past won’t affect the present and my future.

Some people have given me crap for pursuing my career in a radio station.

Some people said I have a face for radio.

Some people told me I’d never make money doing something that anyone could do.

Some people told me there are better options, better paths to take in life than sitting behind a microphone.

But I look forward to the day where I’m sitting in a studio rather than a cubicle.

I look forward to the day when I’m running a control board instead of running a corporate meeting.

I look forward to the day where my crunching numbers involves calculating player statistics, not profits and salaries.

Some people made fun of me for choosing Ashland University as my college of choice.

Some people told me nothing would ever happen here and this place was too small to make a name for myself.

Some people told me I should go to Ohio State, being the Buckeye fan that I am.

But as I look forward to graduation, this is the best place I could have ever gone. This is the best place with the best people.

Have you seen the sign, “National headquarters for nice people?” I believe that. This is the best place with the best environment.

Best facilities, best professors, best students; this is the place that I call home.

So as I look forward to the next two months, I’ve realized something; I don’t want to leave home. But, I look forward to finding a new one.