The Secret Menu – Challenge 17: The Persian

By Nick Zavarella

The Persian is named after its creator, Cyrus Massoudi. The 17th edition of The Secret Menu is a collaboration of Massoudi’s ideas and my cutting abilities. The dinner Convo was serving also had something to do with it considering I walked in with the intent to knock out a winner no matter what. Convo obliged.

At Monday’s dinner, Cyrus came up with the idea to get something from multiple areas and put it all together on a bun. I went down to the Grill Corner, where Solomon Schoolcraft was serving, after grabbing half a foot-long white sub. Sol loaded me with rice and chicken. I went over to the pizza station and grabbed a slice of pepperoni. With chicken, rice and pizza already accounted for, I moseyed my way down to the Daily Special and snagged a couple pierogi. The Persian was complete, just not in one piece.

It took some cutting and some smashing but I got it done. The Persian officially consisted of two pieces of chicken, a mound of rice, a slice of pepperoni pizza and two pierogi on a white sub. Feel free to change the bread or add your favorite sauce to make it your own. Again, the lack of sauce was my downfall.

The Persian proved to be quite tasty. From now on, since I never want to wait in that many Convo lines for one meal again, simply slapping some pierogi on pizza is actually damn good. You would be “that guy” eating pierogi topped pizza, but it’s something KDs should look into nonetheless.

Each taste came together to complement another, making each bite slightly unique. Sometimes I would get a little chicken pierogi action, while other bites had more of a pizza and rice flare.

If all of these different foods were at one single location in Convo, this sandwich would rock. The station could have a couple variations of what you could add so each sandwich has its own personal flare.

After finishing The Persian and letting it digest, it earns a solid A in my book. It’s filling and delicious, which is really all I want when I eat. The only way The Persian would be improved was if it had sauce (my bad), or if those little cheese rounds were on it.

So grab a drink, enjoy The Persian and finish it all off with a Drumstick. Finally, make sure to look for the final edition of the inaugural Secret Menu in two weeks.