Last Comic Standing promises to be a hilarious good time

By Jamie Neal

Last Comic Standing, put on by the National Society for Minorities in Hospitality,  promises to be a side-splitting good time as five Ashland University students battle with hilarious jokes, antidotes and skits with the goal to be crowned the “The Last Comic Standing.”

According to sophomore Elizabeth Papantonio, NSMH Fundraising chair, participants will prepare a ten-minute act.

“The audience will then vote and decide who deserves to make it to the top two, [and] contestants selected to the next round will have another 5-minute act. After that, the audience will decide again who will be crowned the Last Comic Standing!” Papantonio said.

Participants include Thomas Julian, Aaron Arnold, Destinee Moore, Chris Beisel and Benjamin Black. The winner will be receiving a $25 gift card to the AU bookstore and will be crowned the “Last Comic Standing.”

This year, sophomore Benjamin Black plans on “telling the story of my experience at the Rocky Horror Picture Show.” Those who are familiar with Rocky Horror are sure to be amused by his skit.

As an added incentive, each contestant has the chance to have his or her supporters enjoy perhaps the greatest benefit of all: junk food.

“In addition to the gift card, we will be throwing a pizza party for the person whose group brings the most supporters,” Papantonio said. “You do not have to win the competition to win the pizza, just bring the most friends to come out, support you, and have a good laugh.”

Last Comic Standing, the NSMH fundraising event, will be held at 8 p.m. Wednesday, Jan. 25, in Redwood Hall.

The event costs $2 or $1 with a canned good. All the proceeds go to help send NSMH to their national conference being held in Washington D.C. this Feb. 15 -19 and the canned food will go to a local food bank.

Any questions please email Elizabeth Papantonio at [email protected].