Student Senate hopes teddy bears will bring smiles

By Teresa Williams

Students have the opportunity to help those in need during Ashland University’s Teddy Bear Drive.

Organized by student senate, the Teddy Bear Drive started Tuesday and concludes Mar. 20. This year marks the ninth year of the drive.

To participate in the Teddy Bear Drive, students can donate a teddy bear or other stuffed animal during this time period. 

The only requirement is that the stuffed animal must be in new condition.

After purchasing or finding a new stuffed animal, students should drop it off in the student center at the Student Affairs Office on the second floor.

Besides donating in the Student Affairs Office, students can participate in the Teddy Bear Drive on “Teddy Bear Tuesday.”

Beginning Feb. 28 and lasting until Mar. 20, student senate will be collecting both stuffed animals and money in the convo lobby on Tuesdays.

In addition to providing stuffed animals, students can also choose to simply give money towards the cause. The bookstore, the Eagle’s Nest and the Rec Center will have jars where students can contribute their money.

At the end of the Teddy Bear Drive, the stuffed animals and money will be given to the Ashland City Police Department. 

These donations will help out those in need in the Ashland community, specifically children suffering through challenging times.

“I think everyone should participate because it affects us all. It is going to the people in our local community and everyone can relate to a loved one going through a hard time when they needed something small to get through,” freshman Vice President Allie Grund said.

Agreeing with this sentiment, freshman President Kate Brickner expressed her approval of the drive and the push to help out children in need.

“The teddy bear drive brings the whole school together for one cause: to help save the sanctity of innocence even in the worst situations,” Brickner said. “I am proud that the AU community is behind a cause dedicated to kids-one that strives to help the most vulnerable generation. There is nothing better than seeing a crying child smile at the smallest thing-that’s what we aim at.”