Focusing on career goals during winter break

By Dan Griffin

Find an accountability partner and set your own due dates. That’s Karen Hagans’, director of career services, advice for staying focused on career goals over winter break.

It’s so easy to think of winter break as the perfect time to do absolutely nothing. With exams finally over, and no other homework to think about, why wouldn’t students use this time to relax and have fun?

The key to taking advantage of any school break is to balance fun with work. It’s a great time to focus on tasks that couldn’t be focused on during fall and spring semesters.

Hagans believes that breaking up goals into smaller parts is an effective way to stay on task.

“Set mini-goals,” she said. “Instead of being overwhelmed, break it up into parts. If students come back having done something over break, compared to nothing, that’s still a victory.”

Kayla Smith, administrative assistant for the Career Services Center, says that students will often put off job-related tasks because classwork always comes first.

“When prioritizing, you always work on whatever is due first,” she said. “Finding a job is the last thing that happens in this whole process, so working on your career goals over break when you don’t have exams, homework, or projects… that’s the time when the resume can come first, because it normally doesn’t.”

Students are also encouraged to ask a friend or family member to act as an accountability partner to make sure goals are met.

“Due dates, deadlines, and accountability partners,” said Hagans. “…whether that be another student or an older person, are effective ways of staying focused over break.”

In addition to this, there are several other ways the holiday season can be utilized that many students don’t even think about.

Smith believes that taking advantage of after-Christmas sales is a great way to improve professional wardrobe.

“Even business casual clothes,” she said. “ Clothes that could be appropriate for both work and outside of work. That way students don’t feel like they are buying clothes that they won’t wear on a regular basis.”

Other professional items, such as dress shoes, sweaters, suits, and skirts would also be perfect gifts to ask for over the holiday season.

Hagans believes that winter break is also the perfect opportunity to network with family.

“Networking is perfect for break because you’re often around a lot of family and friends,” she said. “Make sure everybody knows what you do and what your goals are.”

Family is often forgotten as a helpful resource when searching for jobs. A large majority of students find internships through family or family friends.

“I think people overlook family networking,” said Hagans. “If you can, have your resume with you or at least get an email from someone if they are willing to help.”

Smith also believes that family can be an excellent career resource.

“You’d be surprised,” she said. “Even though family isn’t always someone you can reference when you want to apply for a job, they can still give you connections to get an interview.”

All of these steps are excellent ways to prepare for the career fair that the CSC is sponsoring in 2013.

“After break, students should come back to school with the final draft of their resume,” said Hagans. “Then they should meet with a career assistant during drop-in hours. No appointment needed, and if they want to meet with the upper staff they can do that as well.”

The career fair is happening on Wednesday, Feb. 20, and a preparation workshop is taking place on Tuesday, Jan 29. Registration for both of these events can be done at the links below.

The OFIC CareerFest is on Friday, Feb. 1 at the Aladdin Shrine Center in Columbus from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. To register for OFIC, students can call or stop by Career Service. 419.289.5064; 254 HCSC.

Job Fair Preparation Workshop:

Career Fair: