Student Senate opposes department consoleidation

Zack Lemon

Student Senate passed a resolution concerning department consolidation, and introduced two new resolutions in their meeting on Tuesday.

Senate opposed some plans for consolidating departments, especially within the College of Arts and Sciences. A resolution was passed affirming their belief in strong, independent departments on campus.

A resolution was introduced regarding a proposed medical amnesty policy being added to the student handbook. Such a policy would shield students seeking medical attention for themselves or others from discipline under Ashland University’s alcohol and drug policy. 

The resolution would not affect discipline from other authorities, including any other Ashland policy that may have been violated.

Another resolution was introduced commending Ashland University for its small class sizes. The resolution focused on the importance of small class size for achieving Ashland’s mission as well as drawing in prospective students. 

Events on Ashland’s campus discussed included the upcoming Relay for Life as well as Sigma Nu’s return to campus. 

Relay for Life will be on Friday, April 4 in the rec center. The event will go from 6-midnight, and will include different activities and games hosted by different student organizations. 

Senate will be sponsoring a hair donation booth, with hair stylists available from 6-8, with more hours pending. 

Sigma Nu fraternity will be on campus April 8-10. The fraternity will be returning to campus in the fall, and will be talking to as many students as possible about their recolonization.

The next Senate meeting will be on April 1 at 9:30 in the Student Center Conference Room. All meetings are always open to the public.