As many know, Ashland University is no stranger to having an active campus. There is always something going on whether it is sports, clubs, or general activities.
One very active organization on campus is the Campus Activities Board, or “CAB” for short.
Hannah Mantle, the president of CAB, stated “CAB is the largest programming board on Ashland’s campus, and we program around 30 events per year.”
“We’re a student-led organization,” Mantle said.“So, the students are kind of the ones that make the decisions on all the events that we bring.”
“I really like being able to bring fun, unique ideas and events to life on campus,” said Sam Vincent, a student who has been a cabbie for the past two years.

Recently, CAB hosted a “Glowcade and Mini Golf,” which had a great turnout. The co-chairperson for the committee who organized this event, Emma Snyder, said, “There is a lot of planning that went into tonight…we gathered suggestions from other students to see what they would like on campus.”
The upcoming events for the month of February include:
“Connect the chorus trivia” – Feb. 7, 9 p.m. – 11 p.m.
“Bowling or Masterminds (TBD)” – Feb. 13, 9 p.m. – 11 p.m.
“Weekending in Ashland” – Feb 14-16
“Splatter paint rage room” – Feb. 22 8 p.m. – 10 p.m.
For more information about CAB or future events, contact @cabashland on Instagram.