Ashland University focuses on the heart just in time for Valentine’s Day

Alpha Phi sisters in the student center for the “Send a rose” event.

It’s the season of love, friendship, bonding, and heart here at Ashland University. Students and faculty are accenting this just as the holiday arrives.

The AU recreation center, home of the wellness center, hosted a CPR training on Thursday, Feb. 9.

The second way AU is accenting heart is through Greek Life. The sorority, Alpha Phi, is presenting “Cardiac Care Week” from Feb. 13 through Feb. 17.

As for the CPR training class, it was held in the Hawkins-Conard Student Center in the ABCD Conference Room. It was held in two sessions; one at 12 p.m. to 1 p.m. and the other at 2 p.m. to 3 p.m.

“Since February is American Heart Month, we felt this was the perfect opportunity to conduct this educational session. Individuals who attended this session learned of the role of Safety Services within an emergency, utilization of Campus Shield, placement of AEDs on campus and the importance of contacting 911 immediately,” stated Janel Molnar, director of Recreation and Wellness. “This is a lifelong skill which can truly save a life.”

This event was conducted by Director, Molnar, Assistant Director, Cameron Middis, Assistant Director, Jill MacKenzie, and Director and Safety Services, Dave McLaughlin.

Middis, who is red cross certified, spoke on the process of the class, “We started with some videos looking at how to assess an emergency and how to check a person’s responsiveness. After a practice of those skills we looked at the instructional videos on how to properly perform CPR which was also followed by a practice. We then put those skills together and completed another practice.”

As for the Greek Life aspect of heart, “Cardiac Care Week” is happening currently. It includes many activities such as a fundraiser at Buffalo Wild Wings on Monday, a “send a rose” activity on Valentine’s Day, Alpha Phi’s “Biggest Sweetheart” on Wednesday, “Social Media Bingo” on Thursday, and ends Friday off with “Cookies for Heart”.

Madeleine Corrado, the president of Alpha Phi (Epsilon Alpha), stated that, “During this week all proceeds go to the Alpha Phi Foundation, Leading With Heart Campaign that supports scholarship, leadership, and cardiac care research. Over the last several years all of the Alpha Phi chapters from across the country have raised, in total, 43.5 million dollars in donations to the Alpha Phi Foundation, in support of heart health, increasing women’s scholarship and enriching women’s leadership.”

Keep your eyes peeled for all of the eventful, hearty activities Ashland University has to offer this month.