Fortnite players win cash from tournament

Wesley Seyfang

The Ashland eSports Fortnite team has been performing at a high level this year and has earned a spot in the trio grand finals on Nov. 22.

The team has showcased many great performances this year with one of the trios winning $700 at a trio event which was split between the three competitors.

Head coach Alec Mueller is very pleased with how his team has done this season and is impressed with how they have continually pushed themselves and held themselves to a higher standard.

“They were actually upset with only getting $700 dollars,” Mueller said. “They thought they could get much higher and win more. So they are hoping in the playoffs to rank higher because they believe they are better than eighth place.”

Mueller is the only coach on the staff for every video game team. He is very happy with how the team has come together to develop at practices and get better on their own. Mueller believes that these are a few of the reasons why they are poised to do well throughout the remainder of the season.

“I’m just really proud of how they’ve handled themselves,” Mueller said. “They’ve put their schedules together and are getting in the facility and are getting better when they need to. It’s been so nice to see these students step up and become leaders.”

Senior Gabriel Alonso is looking to complete his final season with the team this semester and wants to keep pushing his teammates into the right path to becoming better for future seasons.

“Sadly, my last season was this semester,” Alonso said. “As far as that goes, supporting my teammates and practicing with them will help out our skills.”

The community and the support that the team has created is exactly why the team will only continue to grow and improve on their journey in the playoffs and through the rest of their season.