Jemar Tisby to speak on campus next week


Jemar Tisby will be on campus next week and make two appearances to speak.

Emmalee Lamolinara

The Ashland University Honors Program, Department of Religion, Office of Christian Ministry, Office of Diversity and Inclusion, The Melting Pot and Black Student Alliance are proud to announce that Jemar Tisby will be giving a lecture called The Color of Compromise.

The lecture will take place on Wednesday, March 24 at 7:30 p.m. in Upper Convo located on the Ashland University campus. 

Along with Wednesday’s event those interested  can also catch Tisby Thursday, March 25 at 8 p.m. as he will provide the sermon at The Well in Millers Chapel. The title of his sermon is  The Fierce Urgency of Now.” A live stream will  also be available.

“Jemar is an articulate, compelling speaker who combines a deep knowledge of our country’s racial history with moral insights and clear ideas about how we can move forward in addressing our ongoing issues with racism,” Weidenhamer said.

The lecture on Wednesday is about the history of how the American church has compromised with and even enabled racism since before the country’s founding. Much of this history is not well discussed by “ Black Lives Matter” protests, and offers a number of concrete solutions for improved race relations and racially inclusive churches.  

Tisby’s most recent book is “How to Fight Racism”  has just been published. 

“It’s a book that provides a number of strategies and examples of ways that people can confront racism,” said Weidnhamer. 

Jeffery Weidenhamer, Director of The Honors Program said, “ Social distancing guidelines are being followed and there will be a maximum seating capacity of 175 people. Prior registration for Wednesday’s lecture is required and can be completed at” 

Registration will also secure information for those who want to attend the lecture but would feel more comfortable with joining via live stream.