Bassitt gears up for big meet in Alabama

AU Athletics

Trevor Bassitt pictured above with trophy.

Wes Seyfang

Trevor Bassit of the Ashland University Track and Field program continues to make history with his record-setting performances against some of the country’s top athletes in the sport.

Bassitt recently became the second-best performer in division two history with his personal best time of 7.68 seconds in the 60-meter hurdles. 

With his performance on Sunday, February 7th, Bassitt is now the owner of the men’s 400 meter dash time in NCAA Division 2 history along with the second-best 60 meter hurdles time in history.

In the mix of several current Olympians, Bassitt spoke on how he prepares to race against giants of the sport.

“I try to relax before I compete, I do a ton of visualization and positive self-talk prior. Then when it’s time, I throw on music and switch into that cold-blooded killer mentality,” Bassitt said. 

“You have to find the silver lining in bad situations. With Covid, it gave all of us an extended offseason, so I used that time to let my body heal, and then better myself and attack workouts like I never had before. Now with this season, it’s helped me attack every meet like my last because it very well could be,” he said. 

Bassitt said “there were many challenges” that were in his way coming into this season and how he uses that to capitalize on the moment of his training and competition. Bassitt is in his fourth year of the track and field program and “looks forward” to leaving his mark on the division two record books. 

“For this indoor season, I want to break the NCAA Division 2 records for the 60-meter hurdles, 200, and 400-meter dash. The goal for my outdoor season is to set the division 2 record in the 110-meter hurdles, and the 400-meter hurdles. Then I want to make the Olympic team,” he said. 

Much of Bassitts’ success comes from the behind the scenes work he puts in when he is not even on the track. He is fueling himself with a diet that can sustain long hours of training and always looking for ways to improve his diet to maximize meet day performance. 

Bassitt frequently meets with the universitys’ dietitian expert asking questions about “better food choices” and “gaining knowledge” of how those choices affect his body. 

“I wouldn’t say I’m doing any major things differently. I’ve been prioritizing sleep, recovery, and taking care of my body by seeing the trainer every day. You can have a great workout Monday but if you can’t carry it into Tuesday or Wednesday, then it doesn’t matter, you have to take care of yourself,” Bassitt said.

Bassitt spent his summer working with Andrew Durniat at his gym with the ability to workout daily, he came into the 2021season with more muscle and speed. 

On top of all of his workouts, dieting, and work schedule, Bassitt is a student before anything else. 

“I’ve never really found it that difficult to balance school and track. You really just have to budget your time and segment your day. Once it’s time for practice I don’t think about school at all. I completely block that out and vice versa.”

 You can be as fast as you want but if you’re not taking care of school and staying eligible then it doesn’t matter,” Bassitt said. 

“I need to thank God, my teammates, my coaches, and my family. Without my teammates and my training partners I wouldn’t be where I am today,” he said. 

Bassitt will be competing at the Division 2 National Championship on March 11 through 13 in Birmingham, Alabama.