The ACN began its anniversary by inviting Naomi Tutu, a human rights activist and Dr. Yossi Kugler, a Holocaust scholar to speak to students on campus. It continues its celebration with the film screening...
The Ashland Center for Nonviolence (ACN) hosted the 8th annual John D. Stratton Conference on Feb. 25 in the Dauch College of Business and Economics to discuss various topics connecting to a central theme.
The Ashland Center for Nonviolence (ACN) is set to hold its 8th annual John D. Stratton Conference on Friday and Saturday, Feb. 24-25. This year’s theme for the conference is “Welcoming the Stranger.”
Bullies. The mean kid at school who always picked on you. The one who called you names, pushed you at recess or told you that you were never going to be good enough. Bullying is one of the first challenges...