AU’s Tabletop Club welcomes new president

Sean Clark

The Tabletop Club is starting its second year as an official club at AU and has kicked off the new school year by electing Travis Christensen as the new president.

The Tabletop Club meets around 7 p.m. on Monday, Friday and Saturday in the student center conference room. The club is a “social and educational group teaching people how to engage in role-playing games as well as teach them how to play a wide variety of board games,” said new club president, Christensen.

The group plays a wide variety of board games that are brought in by the members, and people are welcomed to play whatever they like of the available options.

Christensen has said that he is hoping to make some changes to the club this year after the previous president had to step down due to becoming too busy to properly to run the club.

“Last year we focused on primarily Dungeons and Dragons. This year, I am hoping to bring more board games to our roster,” he said.

Christensen said he is looking to expand the club in new ways.

This year Dungeons and Dragons (D&D) is primarily played on Friday, with Mondays and Saturday being reserved for other board games.

Christensen also want the club to be a place where students can go to “relax after a hard day of classes.” With how stressful college life can be, he wants to provide a place where students can come to de-stress and enjoy their time at college.

The club has a wide variety of members all of whom enjoy playing board games.

One member, Carly Vandewater, said that she joined “to play games and meet people.” The members all enjoy playing board games and role-playing games of all kinds.

The members also help to create a fun atmosphere making it easy to simply enjoy yourself and enjoy the games.

The club provides a good opportunity for students to meet other students with similar interests and form bonds.