Tournees film festival to run through October

Paul Murray, Reporter

Ashland University’s department of foreign languages will host the Tournees Festival throughout Oct. 10, 16, 17, 23, 24 and 30. The festival will take place in the Ronk Lecture Hall in the Schar College of Education.

The Tournees festival is a French film festival put on by Dr. Richard Grey and the college of arts and science which showcases current and classic films in French culture. The festival is now in its fifth year and will run through October in the Ronk Lecture Hall.

This year’s festival will focus on all parts of the French-speaking world and exploring areas that have seen French influence. Dr. Richard Grey wants to show how much of an impact french culture has had.

“These films speak not just about France, but the places that France has touched. Africa, the Middle East, Caribbean, all parts of the world,” Dr. Grey said. “They portray obstacles that people in the French world encounter and show diverse aspects of everyday life.”

The first of the six films is titled “Visages, Villages”, a collaborative film done with 89-year-old powerhouse filmmaker Agnes Varda and a young street artist named JR. The piece embodies the life of everyday people in the French countryside such as dockers, miners and farmers.

“These films allow us to think critically and with continuity,” Grey said. “But come to these shows with an open mind. Do not think of these as just human beings, think of them as a piece of art of their own, the same way you would look at a sculpture. It’s a total art form.”

The second film “L’atelier”, will be shown on Oct. 16 and looks at the complex issues in French society such as racism, religious beliefs and terrorism.

All of the showings are free and open to the public.

A full list of films can be seen at or at