Shirt designers wanted: 2019 intramural sports champions shirt design contest

Chris Martucci

Ever wanted to design a t-shirt? Now is your chance.

Ashland University students are invited to share any designs that they can think of for next year’s intramural sports champions through the entire month of April until the last day of classes on April 27.

The contest is an annual event that gives the student body a chance to be involved in the designing of the t-shirts that will be handed out to the champions of intramural sports.

“It could make [the students] want to get the shirt because they designed it,” Ashley Welty, intramural sports intern for the rec center, said. “It would get them involved in the intramurals and have their friends get involved as well.”

Welty believes that the incentive for students to enter the contest is not only having their design going on a shirt, but also knowing that it is something that people will wear.

Intramural sports are non-varsity sports that other students can join without the commitment that varsity sports have. Intramural sports offered at AU include rugby, Quidditch, Battleship, and basketball.

“It’s a good way to connect with people and compete at the same time,” Welty said. “All your friends get to play in a game against other friends and you can hash it out in a game that you like.”

The contest will run from April 3-27 with the winning design being announced during finals week.