AU men model bras, embrace Breast Cancer Awareness Month

By Ethan Greenberger

Who has the best ta-tas on campus? Well, you might be surprised to find out it’s a man.

Ashland University’s Colleges Against Cancer organization hosted the Pretty in Pink Fashion show Thursday, Oct. 21 in order to promote breast cancer awareness.

Colleges Against Cancer (CAC) is dedicated to furthering the research of cancer by promoting awareness and collecting money to benefit the American Cancer Society.

Aubry Shirley, president of CAC, talked about how the idea for the event came about during a brainstorming activity where each group was handed a stack of note cards with random words printed on them, such as “tree,” “speaker,” “BBQ” and “bras.”

“[One group] turned “BBQ” into a “Boobie-Q” where we sell chicken ‘breast’ and have a male model fashion show of bras,” Shirley said.

“As much as we wanted to do the “Boobie-Q,” we couldn’t pull off something so huge in such a short amount of time. We finally decided that the fashion show was perfect.”

The event was planned specifically during October, as it is National Breast Cancer Awareness Month.

Shirley explained that male representatives from many campus organizations would model bras across the stage.

“Each participant gets to design their own bra to be as funny, serious, or outrageous as they want,” Shirley said.

In addition to their modeling and their bras, each model was asked to read a breast cancer fact at the end of their runway walk in order to help spread awareness.

At the end of the show, an award for “Best Breasts” was given.

Junior Bret Cowden, who modeled in the show, shared his feelings about the event.

“I think that there are too many things that people try to promote – for any cause – that are just boring, like people standing on street corners handing out pamphlets,” Cowden said.

“I think the more ways you can entertain people and inform them, the better. So if this is something that people would come to because it’s funny, then they are going to at least learn something by accident.”

Cowden said that he would be happy to participate again next year if asked.

All of the proceeds from this event’s tickets and sales of pink lemonade and ribbon cookies, as well as proceeds from the “I Love Boobies” wrist bands, are going to help fund the American Cancer Society, according to Shirley.

With this event completed, CAC is already working on more events, including the Relay for Life kickoff this Monday, Nov. 1st at 9 p.m. in Redwood Hall.

According to Shirley, there are also plans for the Great American Smokeout in November and various survivorship activities, such as visiting Good Shepherd and the Ronald McDonald House in Akron.