‘Deathly Hallows’ marks near-end of beloved series

By Ethan Greenberger

Magic is in the air as students of all ages prepare for the opening of the first installment of the final chapter of the Harry Potter series, Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows Part One, which hits theaters at 12:01 a.m. on Friday Nov. 19.

As many students have plans to attend this, it is sure to be a record-breaking premier at theaters across the nation.

AU student Amanda Beaver and her sorority sisters in Phi Mu are planning to attend as a group.

“Thursday I have a few people going at 6 o’clock,” Beaver said. “I am not going to be able to make it until nine, but they are holding my spot for me so I can hopefully be first in line this year.”

For big premiers like this, many students will be leaving right after classes in order to ensure a good place in line and therefore, a good seat in the theater.

“I have been to three or four for midnight premiers for Harry Potter and every time I get there an hour before and I am always back by the door. Then you get in the theater and you have a really terrible seat,” Beaver said

Another AU student, Dan Greenway, also acknowledges the importance of being first in line.

“My family has been to all of the midnight showings since the second one. I have actually been the first guy in the theater each time,” Greenway said.

For some students, Harry Potter can be considered much more than just a series of books and movies. For Beaver they represent an important point in her life.

“I got into it after watching the third movie. I wasn’t allowed to watch or talk about Harry Potter when I was little because my parents are really big Christians, so it was kind of my rebellious stage and I rebelled by reading and watching Harry Potter,” Beaver said.

For Greenway, having not read the books, the midnight showings are more about the atmosphere and being a movie-goer.

“I love all the movies. Just because I don’t read doesn’t mean I am not a huge fan. At my theater last year we had a tri-wizard tournament, wand duels, and a quiditch game which I participated in. We had everything you can think of. It was awesome,” Greenway said.

Clearly Harry Potter has been an important part of a lot of lives, but some students are equally excited as they are upset as their beloved movie series is showing its second to last installment.

“It sucks because I love the storyline, but it has to come to an end now because all great stories must come to an end,” Greenway said.

Kyle Hilfiker, an avid reader of the Harry Potter books, feels like the movie series needs to conclude.

“I do think it’s a long time coming. I mean Daniel Radcliff is getting up there in years and in the first movie he looked like a little kid but by the end he looks like he should be out of college by now. I guess fighting Voldemort kind of does that to you,” Hilfiker said.

The end is in sight for the Harry Potter epic and while it will be met with bittersweet excitement and tears clearly this is one series which has become an important part of many lives and is destined to become a classic.