The Secret Menu: The Incredible Hulk

The Incredible Hulk is a shot that can be purchased at Bdubs
March 30, 2011
Editor’s Note: The Collegian does not condone underage drinking, violations of the Ashland University alcohol policy or reckless behavior while drinking. Zavarella is 22 and did not drive after consuming alcohol.
Senioritis has officially overtaken my academic life and sadly my extracurricular life as well. In this edition of the Secret Menu, I went to Bdubs and chose an alcoholic beverage instead of a technical meal.
The drink actually came from the binder the bartender gave me when I told her I needed something crazy. The drink is called the Incredible Hulk and it’s not bad. I had my choice of like 30 different drinks ranging from the Blow Job to the Chocolate Cake.
The Incredible Hulk is basically a non-carbonated shot of Mountain Dew. It is comprised of Midori, well rum, sweet and sour and Triple Sec. This shot is good but not the best shot I have ever had. The best shot I have ever had goes to the Royal Flush which I got from Monte B’s on St. Patty’s day.
I traveled to the bar with two other amigos since I didn’t want to be that guy who went to the bar, ordered one drink and left. All of us being of age, we ordered and enjoyed a beer while I decided what drink to indulge in. I chose the Incredible Hulk because of the name. I chose against the Blow Job because of the name.
Thinking back on the drink, it wasn’t that great. It was a shot that didn’t taste like alcohol. It was seriously like taking a shot of Mountain Dew. A $4.25 shot of Mountain Dew. Not to mention there wasn’t any carbonation so it turned into a $4.25 shot of flat Mountain Dew.
In the end it was disappointing. For the money, I’d rather have a straight shot of something that is going to have some sort of effect. A shot of anything straight is my cup of tea. It’s a shot after all, right? Quick and not very easy is how I like it. (Insert sexual pun).
Overall, I will give the Incredible Hulk a D if you are a man from America. If you are a woman from America, the Incredible Hulk is for you.
The shot has literally no alcoholic taste but still has a considerable amount of alcohol in it. Would I get it again? No. Not for $4.25. Luckily for me, the beer made the bar trip worthwhile.