The ‘90s are so “All That”

By Alaina Bosak

It’s late. I’m bored. What can I possibly do with my time?

Facebook? YouTube? Heck no – I’m going to watch TV. Wait, TV? What? What? There’s, like, nothing good on TV nowadays! Now you are prepared to imagine my shock when I realized that Nickelodeon had decided to reward its loyal viewers for their years of, well, loyalty by bringing back TV shows from the good old days, the era when television programming – specifically that of Nickelodeon – was arguably at its peak.

Yes, my friends, welcome back to the ‘90s!

According to Nick, “The 90s are All That,” a clever combination of this generation’s most missed era and one of its most-missed shows, “All That”. I, for one, am more than content with the title of this programming block because “All That” alone kept me rolling on the floor more than anything I’ve ever seen pop up on StumbleUpon.

I can’t imagine where I’d be in life without Lori Beth Denberg’s “Vital Information.”

“Eeny meeny miney mo. Catch a tiger by the toe! If he hollers… then let go of his toe before the tiger kills you!” Seriously? How is that not vital information?

I, for one, would prefer not to be mauled by an angry, hollering tiger, whether it belonged to Tyson or not.

I dreamt of being as useful as Repairman- man-man-man-man, who was able to repair any- thing, everything, and other stuff too. Ask Ashley – “Thaaaaaaatttt’s meeeeeeee!” – inspired me not only to write an advice column full of my own angelic rants, but also to use my stinkin’ brain because, as I have since realized, Ask Ashley was not an exaggeration… People are generally quite stupid.

I blame Kel Mitchell for my orange soda obsession. Speaking of Kenan and Kel, was “Welcome to Good Burger, home of the good burger, can I take your order?” not one of the beacons of hope you looked to each week of your childhood?

For those of us who grew up in the ‘90s, I think yes, it was.

Clearly, if shows like “All That” are now available even on iTunes, there is something to be said about the ‘90s… They are still relevant. There is something to be said about Nickelodeon as well, because the network, as a whole, is actually capable of listening to its viewers.

How often is the “voice of the people” actually heard nowadays? If I’m not going to be heard during presidential elections, I might as well be heard where it really counts.

And now, back to my show.