Oh em gee, Facebook knows my life better than me now

By Tim Hawk

May 26, 2006. “Timmy Timmy Timmy! Now you are on FACEBOOK!!!! Here’s your first wall post to get you started.” On this day, my sister started something that would shape my life over the next five years.

Within the next few weeks, the social media that has changed our lives changes its layout for profiles. That’s right: Facebook will be adding “TimeLine” to over 800 million users’ profiles.

Recently there has been mass complaining going on on Facebook: from the homepage changes to ‘Stupid Cancer’. But people will be shocked when they find out Facebook created an algorithm that picks the highlights of your life and posts them, along with everything else in your Facebook life, on your profile in a new dual-column collection.

The new feature will bring back both good and bad memories from your lifetime. All of your pictures, videos, posts, likes, new friends, all listed out for people to see. On an even bigger note, “Life Events” will be posted as a wide graphic across your page. Standard life events include your birth, graduating high school, and start and end dates of your jobs. You can add life events too: moving into a new home, getting a new dog, breaking a bone or anything else you can imagine.

Another addition is the “Cover Photo,” a giant header to add some personality to your page. You can upload a new photo or a background or use a picture of you reenacting the “I’m On a Boat” music video. The choices are endless.

Given that people don’t like change, I can guarantee people will get their panties in a bunch once they see their life broken down by year, month and date. So for the time being, enjoy your profile the way it is. Soon people will be complaining that they just want a simple way to keep in touch with their friends. They will go on and on saying they are going to delete their Facebook but let’s be serious: you won’t.

Facebook has hooked our generation into a life where we must check our wall for new posts and comments. If you are going to drop Facebook, good luck. Take your whining to Twitter or Google Plus. But the majority of us will stick with what is handed to us, when it’s handed to us.

The TimeLine feature is on its way to shape our society. It’s currently only open to developers but if you search online, you can weasel your way around it like I did.

Haters gonna hate but I love Facebook’s new direction.