Kick the blues

By Richard Quick

The days of late night bonfires, no bedtimes, Fourth of July picnics, summer jobs, and no roommates are officially a thing of the past. The only things that exist now are classes, on-campus jobs, advisor meetings, athletic practices, RAs, and curfews.

According to, September Blues, also known as Summer Blues, are “the feeling of sadness that occurs when the summer is over and school is now in session. It is often difficult to focus on school since the weather is hot and summer was only recently. September Blues are marked by inattentiveness, malaise, and longing.”

Here are several ways to ensure that the September Blues stay away and your fun remains.

Leave your room sometimes

“Don’t stay in your room,” Sean Doty, a sophomore RA in Clayton, said. “Go hang out with the people on your floor or even go out and meet new people. Don’t be that person that sits in your room when you’re not in class. No one likes that person.”

Make an effort to get involved

“Socialize, join clubs, and make sure you actually go to class”, Shelby Kessinger, a sophomore tour guide at AU, said.

Stay active

You will probably have fun while you are there and the stresses of school will be at a minimum.

Support AU sports teams

Going to games is a fun way to start the weekend.

Visit friends at other schools

Seeing the same place for months on end can get boring, so a change of scene can work wonders.

Attend some events

There are a lot of events on campus put on by different organizations such as CAB, Greek Life, and the music department. These events can be a lot of fun and often are more enjoyable than you may have thought.

For most people, summer break is three months of nonstop fun, laughs, and partying. Unfortunately, as the saying goes, “all good things must come to an end.” Just because summer is over though doesn’t mean that your time at school has to be miserable.