Theater department to perform “Whistle Down the Wind”

By Marin Haba

With the directing of Ric Goodwin, the Ashland University Department of Theatre presents the play “Whistle Down the Wind.”

The story is based on a novel written by Mary Hayley Bell and a movie directed by Bryan Forbes, both in 1961. In 1997, Goodwin directed the North American premiere of “Whistle Down the Wind,” which ended up being a tremendous success.

As Goodwin gets closer and closer to retirement, he is in the process of trying to revisit some of his favorite shows. He is happy to have the opportunity to perform “Whistle Down the Wind” for the second time after 27 years of directing at Ashland. During its 1997 showing, the audience poured into the Hugo Young Theatre each night, filling over 700 seats. Goodwin hopes the previous production makes viewers curious about this year’s show, allowing an equally impressive turn out.

The 2011 performance of “Whistle Down the Wind” varies a bit from Goodwin’s 1997 performance in terms of the size of the cast. In 1997, Goodwin used 75 actors and actresses to create the show. This year, there are only about 40 people from AU and the community on stage.

“I really like the simplicity of this year’s show,” says Goodwin. “I think it can be smaller and still be really good and meaningful. I am very impressed with the group of actors this year, there are a lot of talented singers.”

Goodwin thinks this show will appear to be more of a musical in comparison to the 1997 production, which felt more like an opera. Goodwin expresses much enthusiasm for the “Whistle Down the Wind” script, which has rubbed off on his actors.

The lead of the play, AU senior, Madeline Beer, plays the role of Cathy Bostock. Beer has been acting since her freshman year of high school which was inspired by watching the musical, “The Sound of Music.” Having performed in about 12-13 plays, the actress’ character in “Whistle Down the Wind” stands out from her previous shows.

“Playing the role of Cathy will be challenging because she is a young girl and I have to be portrayed as a child,” says Beer.

Beer describes her character as the eldest of three who is a material figure but still young on the inside. She is going through a lot of belief issues when she sees Jesus Christ in her barn. Cathy herself is unable to distinguish what is true versus what is not, so she struggles with knowing what to tell her younger siblings. The audience can decide for themselves what to believe as the story unfolds.

“Whistle Down the Wind” will premiere Oct. 28. Shows will be held Oct. 29, Nov. 4, and Nov. 5. All shows will begin at 7:30pm. Additionally, a matinée will be held at 2:00p.m. Oct. 30. All performances will take place in Hugo Young Theatre.

Goodwin asks for the support in what he considers “a great story ideal for Ashland campus” while Beer states “It’s a great show and everyone should come see it.”