Europe Ablaze: The meeting that could change your life

Rebecca Ribley

Imagine waking up in a foreign country. Getting dressed in the morning and walking out into a world that you have yet to discover. Everything is new to you in Europe, the food, the languages and the culture. But instead of being alone, you have around 30 classmates with you from both Ashland University and Carthage College, and a professor who is about to teach you a lesson while being in the very city that a war you just read about in a textbook had taken place many years ago.

This summer Dr. John Moser along with Professor Eric Pullin from Carthage College will accompany a two week study abroad program titled, Europe Ablaze: World War II in Western Europe. During their time in Europe the professors plan on visiting museums, cemeteries and concentration camps. All of the information discussed during the trip will build upon things learned during the spring 2014 semester course HIST: 364.

The whole trip seems intriguing, doesn’t it?

On October 14th and 15th you are invited to come discover the possibilities that a-wait in Western Europe. Interested students are encouraged to come to the Ashbrook Center at 4 p.m. on either day to ask questions and discuss financial obligations. In this meeting Moser will inform interested students about the traveling opportunities as well as the educational aspects that this trip has to offer. “This will be the third student tour I’ve led to Europe, and based on personal experience and the advice from travel guides, I’ve developed an itinerary made up of some of the best war-related sites,” said Moser.

The primary study abroad meeting is very beneficial. This meeting will allow interested students to see what the trip will consist of and give them the opportunity to make an educated decision on whether this trip is the right travel opportunity for them. 

Moser commented, “By visiting these sites, the actual places where men fought and died, we continue to honor the memory of our veterans, and try to understand a bit more about their sacrifice.”

This trip has the potential to change your college career. By going to the informational meeting, you as a student will potentially make the decision of a lifetime.