Career Fair will take place: 90 employers and grad school on hand

Students will have the opportunity to network with recruiters from more than 90 different employers and graduate schools at the Ashland University Fall Career Fair. The event will take place Wednesday from 1-4 p.m. in the Upper Convocation Center.

This year’s career fair features organizations such as Cintas, the Cleveland Indians, Lubrizol, MedCentral, Northwestern Mutual, PepsiCo, Smucker’s and Westfield Insurance.

In terms of graduate schools, numerous universities throughout Ohio will be represented including University of Akron, Case Western University, Kent State University, Ohio State University and University of Toledo.

With a vast array of recruiters, students will have the opportunity to share their resume and begin forming relationships with these organizations by attending the career fair.

“More often than not now, when people apply for a position, they see a resume first, and they get to know you after and that’s depending on if your resume is what they are looking for,” said Kayla Smith, a career specialist at AU. “This gives you the option to meet them first, which is very rare.”

While at the career fair, attendees should keep their options open when considering the different companies. Most students tend to look for a company that is specific to their major, when their options are much wider.

“They look at the list, which is very valuable, and say ‘oh they are here for accounting, or they’re here for nurses, I’m not going to go talk to them,'” said Karen Hagans, executive director of the Career Services office. “But the truth is to get a face to face with anyone within the organization that can refer you on, is so valuable.” 

While upperclassmen actively searching for positions traditionally dominate events like this, it can benefit underclassman as well.

“If you are a freshman or a sophomore and you are interested in a company that has an internship that you have to be a junior or a senior to do that,” Smith said. “If you go up as a freshman or a sophomore and explain your interest in that position, explain how you would be a good candidate for it, and ask them what are some things that I can do to make sure by the time I’m eligible for this internship that I’m a great candidate. They will remember that.” 

Students are encouraged to print out extra copies of their resume and select professional business attire to wear to the event. While business casual is acceptable for the event, suits are preferred.

If you are unsure about how to construct your resume, the Career Services Center has walk in hours to help assist the preparation process. They are open Monday and Friday from 12-5 p.m., and Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday from 10 a.m.-5 p.m. to get help with resumes, or any other questions students have.