Finals study tips and staying in touch

Melanie Sudar

Dear Melanie,

I am a freshman on campus and am feeling a little overwhelmed with finals. What are some good study tips to stay calm and still ace my finals this semester?

— Finals Freak Out 


Dear Freak Out,

Finals are definitely a tough time for any major or any year for that matter. Here are some of my favorite tips (and coming from a senior, I’ve had a few finals in my time):

-Study ahead of time. Finals are NOT something that you can study for the night before. I’m sure, hopefully, by now you’ve learned that college exams in general are like this, but this rule especially applies to finals. Study for days, sometimes weeks, in advance. You will know the material better and won’t be as stressed with time.

-Two words: time management. This kind of goes along with rule one, but make sure you plan out which finals to study for and when. Make sure you know which final is first, and which final is the hardest. Studying for your finals in order of difficulty instead of time is sometimes the best approach. 

-Get sleep. Staying up late to study is NEVER a good idea. Your brain will be too tired to work and focus on the material that you know.

Best of luck!





Dear Melanie,

I am studying abroad next semester and couldn’t be more excited. It’s something I’ve always wanted to do. However, how am I supposed to stay in touch with my best friend here while both of us still move on in our lives? I don’t want to lose our friendship or miss anything here, but I also know this is a great opportunity. — Growing Up Is Hard


Dear Growing Up,

I will be the first to admit that I have Peter Pan syndrome and don’t ever want to grow up, and being a senior, that’s becoming harder and harder to do. But keep in mind that moving on, whether that’s just another semester at AU or a semester elsewhere, is a necessary part of everyone’s life. 

-Skype. We have this amazing thing called the Internet that makes keeping in contact across states and/or countries possible. Set up weekly or bi-weekly (based on your schedules) Skype dates with your friends. Try and keep it the same every week so you will both always have something to look forward to. This will also give you something constant in a time of change. 

-Phone dates. Phones work the same as Skype dates. Sometimes Skype can be faulty, so phone dates may be more reliable. Like Skype, keep it consistent. 

-Reality check. Understand that both of you are in different places now. So what may be convenient for you may not be for them. Keep in mind that being away from each other will be hard but (cue cheesy line) true friendships can make it work. Follow your dreams and don’t let the fear of missing something with your friends keep you from what you’ve always wanted. Yes, both of you are moving in different directions. But that doesn’t mean it has to be away from each other.

Please forgive the cheesy lines and best of luck in the new phase of your life!


