Stay on track this semester

Melanie Sudar

So if any of you are anything like me, it’s been a little tough getting back into the swing of things this semester. I still feel like this semester hasn’t really, “started,” and we are full swing into week two, almost week three. Especially since this is my last semester, all I can think about is getting to the end. Shorts, flip-flops, and no more school. Forever. 

With that in mind, I know that this semester is only going to drag on. And if you read my last column, I attempted to give you some tips on how to make the most out of your semester. But that was written ignoring your classes, which is, ahem, the main reason you came here… right? 

So I’ve compiled yet another list for you once again. Only this time, it’s how to keep your semester on track with your grades. So grab a pen and a highlighter, and listen up. 

Stay organized. I may be a little biased on this one, but staying organized is extremely essential when it comes to classes, especially if you already focusing on summer. Coming from someone who has roughly three separate calendars, I know organization and it makes my life a breeze (for the most part). Do you have a planner? Also, keep each class separate and keep it separate from anything last semester. Clean out any papers/notebooks/etc. that were from last semester. You don’t need to keep them. I even go as far as color coordination, but I can sometimes be a nerd. 

Write things down. We all know the routine: “I’ll write it down later;” “I’ll remember it;” “I’ll ask someone else.” Let’s be honest: do we actually do any of said things? I know I don’t. Write down your homework assignments and cross them off when you finish them. I know this may be a bit elementary but positive reinforcement works. I write things down on my “to-do” list just to cross them off. Keeping a list of what needs to be done and their deadlines will definitely help keep you on track. 

Have an effective study area. When it comes to this time in the semester, especially for seniors, I’m sure you are so checked out. You don’t care about studying anymore. The once clean and organized desk you had for studying is now cluttered with random things you didn’t even know you still had. Still study. This is still important. Studying = passing. And passing = summer. Have an effective place you can study and do homework without getting distracted. It doesn’t need to be extreme with signs and somewhere completely alone. But make sure it is some place where you can study and actually get things done. 

Avoid procrastination. This is the tough one. I will admit I am the queen of procrastinating. I will procrastinate my procrastination. But this is a big thing to avoid in this last semester. The semester already seems long and if you start the semester off wrong, imagine how the rest of it will go. So, do your assignments, and if you can, do them early. There’s no harm in getting things out of the way first, right? 

These tips can definitely come in handy at any point in your college career, but try and stay focused this semester. Whether it be your last 16 weeks, or just another 16 weeks under your belt, keep in mind why you’re really here.