It’s your last semester; make it count

Melanie Sudar

One hundred and thirteen. That’s exactly how many days until graduation, but who’s counting, right? I know, it’s a daunting thought to think about the fact that this time next year you could possibly be a *deep breath* Big Kid. Ya know, sitting in that cubicle and fulfilling your dream… more like filing papers and getting coffee every day. 

Either way, your days at good old Ashland University are beginning to end. Now, let’s not get all sentimental. That’s not what this column is about. This column is about how to make your last semester of college the best semester of your life. 

I’ve come across many seniors who take this semester, their last 16 weeks, and completely check out. They no longer care about anything and only have one thing on their mind: graduation. I totally understand. We’ve been in school for two weeks and I’m already ready to leave. However, I’ve compiled a small list of activities that I believe must be completed in order to make your college career at AU complete. This list has been complied over my seven semesters of college and I plan to adopt these “rules,” so to speak, this semester as well. So, enjoy at your own risk. 

Stay up all night. I know, I know. You’ve probably done this once or twice (or three, or four, or even five times) while in college. But I don’t mean stay up all night and write a paper or do homework. Stay up all night and watch the sunrise. Stay up all night and literally just laugh with your friends. Stay up all night and do nothing. You can sleep when you’re dead. 

Take a fun class. There are many classes we all have to sit through that we can’t stand. And hopefully, if you play your cards right, you may get lucky and have a pretty easy last semester. This is your chance to sign up for a fun class. Take an art class or a class that you never thought you would. Enjoy your last semester – don’t fill it with stress. 

Stop being stupid. I’m all about making memories, and making memories that last, but you are about to enter the real world. Think about that for a minute. Sure, have stupid moments with your roommates or sorority sisters; just don’t post about it on social media. 

Take a road trip. I know this little town of Ashland has absolutely nothing to offer, so why not take a road trip? Road trips have the ability to host some of the best memories, especially when taken spontaneously with friends. So throw some clothes in a bag, some friends in a car and drive. Just drive. I promise you won’t regret it – trips are what you make them. 

Don’t dwell on the ‘lasts.’ I know so many seniors who will proclaim time and time again that this is their “last first time in Convo” or their “last first day of school” or their “last *insert typical activity here*” STOP. Stop dwelling on the fact that everything is coming to an end. This makes it all go by so much slower and it fills every event and happening with nothing but sadness. Who wants that? Although you’re graduating and leaving this wonderful university, this is the time to enjoy it. 

Graduation will be here before we know it. One hundred and thirteen days. So get off of your couch, put down the newspaper and begin making memories. You only get one “last semester of college.” Make it count.